Thứ Tư, 7 tháng 3, 2018

Tactics 100 Live about:

Develop a 100 points army enabling them fight against one more 100 point army. Typically the winner will determined by simply tactical skill not by simply money! Develop a team constructed of knights, mages, ranger and clerics and send out them into a struggle against the computer or perhaps play live!

Tactics 100 Live review

1) The game does NOT auto save, you need make 1000 points in 1 go, with same army for all battles. 
2) If you finish a level, you dont have the option to retry it, so, if one of your units die while going for hard badge, quit immediatelly and retry level (if you go to menu your progress is lost). 

3) Knights can use shield just once per turn, when they didnt receive damage yet and the attack is frontal. Open their guard using chain magic, attacks not frontal, or if you dont have other way, use your weakest attack. 

4) The game does NOT have luck involved. Play a level the same way and you will get same result. The AI even does the very same move of each unit. If you lost using an strategy, try another one or the result will be the same. If you think these tips are useful, give it a plus :D

5)2 mages (+9 magic, +3 chain, +1 health on high ground)(+6 magic, +3 chain, +1 health next to him) in the back row, 2 knights (+4 health) in front row in front of mages. Unbeatable against computer, 1000 pts every time. 
You need a small amount of people with high endurance, that's why we only have 4, but strong fighters :) rate up so this would live.
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